A large majority of consumer complaints when it comes to the construction industry, especially roofing, is that they are promised something by a salesman that the company does not deliver on. While salesmen are an excellent way to provide companies with a large amount of work, in our opinion the majority of salesmen that we speak to have a very limited knowledge of what they are actually selling. They are there to make a substantial commission on a roofing job. The more they sell at a higher price, the more money they make. If they do not get a sale, they do not make a living. That, combined with the unfortunate reality, in most cases, of their limited knowledge and/or hands on experience of the product(s) they're trying to sell leads to a poor consumer experience. This is just some of the reasons why we feel it is doing an injustice to the homeowner for having a salesman sell a job along with paying more money in sales commissions for a job that could cost less without a salesman.
When our foremen show up to sell you a job, they may not be dressed in a fancy outfit, they may not have books filled with pictures or video demonstrations, but I promise you they will have the knowledge needed to sell you the right product that you need with no unnecessary mark ups or sales commissions inflating your price. They will be on your job from start to finish working on your roof right next to the crew doing your job to answer any of your questions as it moves along.