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new roof shingles


  • Old shingles, valleys, flashes, vents, and pipes are tore off and hauled away.

  • Decking is inspected for needed repair or replacement.

  • All of this is done for your new roof system to start with a good foundation and deck.

  • Any bad or rotten wood deck is replaced with new plywood.  (Needed for good foundation and to prevent the rest of the roof from rotting.)

  • New polystick secondary roof protection is put down.  This meets insurance discount requirements, preserves your deck, and protects against wind and driving rain.

  • For extra protection, new drip edge is added. This helps shed water from your deck and adds the finishing touch to your roof.

  • Proper ventilation is installed with ridge vent which helps reduce humidity and heat build up, lower energy costs, and prevents shingle deck problems.

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